Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Wait. I actually love high school? Is this a joke?
Today, schools starts at 1 pm, (Cue the church choir with "Hallelujah"), and my eyes feel that great drowsy and drugged-up feeling one gets when they enjoy 10 hours of sleep. And here comes the best part: I have no homework. Well, I do have some homework, but it just doesn't seem to matter anymore. The only class I choose to focus on now is calculus. My mother thinks of my new attitude towards school as "slacking off," but I like to think of it as reaping the rewards for my 3.5 years of hard, hard work.

Lately, I have:
  • watched too much TV. This includes watching The City, Top Chef, Gossip Girl, American Idol, and every other terrible reality show on MTV. OH, and Law & Order marathons.
  • participated in a lovely photoshoot with Lydia of The Encyclolydia.
  • played basketball two hours a day, six days a week.
  • celebrated the victories.
  • stalked people in blog world.
  • done absolutely nothing else. HOW SAD.
Here's some pictures from my photoshoot:

On me: Boots are from eBay ($15). Scarf is from a street vendor in New York ($5). Everything else is thrifted.

And that's why I like second semester of senior year.


  1. Oh wow, I saw these on facebook and I thought that they were very blog worthy pictures, and that someone (either you or Lydia) should put them up. :)

  2. thanks for your comment :)
    yay for boy's names (though mine is a middle name...) and 2nd semester senior year- I do miss that sometimes.

  3. Hey that's me!
    Fat shoutout coming your way in my next post which has been written but needs outfit pictures.

  4. I agree, second semester is way more chill than first :)
